Academic and Research Citations
Ağkaya, O. 2022.
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Amnesty International. 2022.
Protect the Protest: Why we must save our right to protest.London: Amnesty International.
Accornero, G. and Pinto, P.R. 2015.
‘Mild mannered’? Protest and mobilisation in Portugal under austerity, 2010–2013.West European Politics. 38 (3), 491-515.
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Neoliberalism and Its Discontents in Italy: Protests Without Movement?In: Late Neoliberalism and its Discontents in the Economic Crisis. Palgrave Macmillan.
Angi, D. & Badescu, G. & Constantinescu, S. 2022.
Democratic effects of youth civic engagement: Romania in a comparative perspective. Civil Szemle. 3. 251-270.
Arbatli E. 2019.
Shoulder to Shoulder Against Fascism”: Publics in Gezi Protests.In: Belyaeva N. et al. (eds) Protest Publics. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer.
Belim, C. & Simões, A. 2022.
Estão Representados Mediaticamente, Logo Existem: Protestos de Hong Kong em 2019 no Correio da Manhã e no Jornal de Notícias.Comunicação e Sociedade. 42: 27-48.
Berman, C., Clarke, K., and Majed, R. 2022.
Theorizing revolution in democracies Evidence from the 2019 uprisings in Lebanon and Iraq.WIDER Working Paper 2023/51. Helsinki: United Nations University.
Burke, S. 2014.
What an era of global protests says about the effectiveness of Human Rights to achieve social change.Sur – International Journal of Human Rights, Jun-Dec 2014..
Chenoweth, E., Hamilton, B., Lee, H., Papageorge, N., Roll, S, and Zahn, M. 2022.
Who Protests, What Do They Protest, and Why?IZA DP No. 15697. Bonn: IZA Institute of Labor Economics.
Chenoweth, E. 2022.
Can nonviolent resistance survive COVID-19?Journal of Human Rights, 21:3, 304-316.
Chelpanova, D. 2020.
GIS “Protest Activity of Rostov Region”: Opportunities of Using in Regional Social and Economic Policy (in Russian).Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii, issue 2, pp. 214.
Cheung, F. 2020.
The impact of the Syrian conflict on population well-being. Nature Communications, volume 11, issue 1.
Correa, J. et al. 2018.
The Effects of Protests on Agents’ Expectations: Evidence from Students’ Demonstrations in Chile.The Developing Economies, volume 56, issue 3, pp. 221.
Cuninghame. P.G. 2017.
#YoSoy132 and the ‘Mexican Spring’ of 2012: Between Electoral Engagement and Democratisation.IBulletin of Latin American Research, volume 36, issue 2, pp. 192.
Da Costa S, Páez D, Martí-González M, Díaz V, Bouchat P. 2023.
Social movements and collective behavior: an integration of meta-analysis and systematic review of social psychology studies.Front Psychol. 2023 Apr 21; 14:1096877.
Dokas, I., Oikonomou, G., Panagiotidis, M., Spyromitros, E. 2023.
Macroeconomic and Uncertainty Shocks’ Effects on Energy Prices: A Comprehensive Literature Review.Energies. 16(3):1491.
DFID 2020.
Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Report on Economic Interventions to Manage Popular Unrest. Department for International Development, London, UK Government.
Dowling, E. 2017.
In the wake of austerity: social impact bonds and the financialisation of the welfare state in Britain.New Political Economy, 22 (3). pp. 294-310.
Evans, P. 2020.
TTransnational Social Movements.In T. Janoski, C. De Leon, J. Misra, & I. William Martin (Eds.), The New Handbook of Political Sociology (pp. 1053-1077). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Freedom House. 2022.
How Civic Mobilizations Grow in Authoritarian Contexts.Washington DC: Freedom House.
Fiedlschuster M. 2018.
Democracy and Globalization. In: Globalization, EU Democracy Assistance and the World Social Forum. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan.
Gaventa, J. 2023.
Repertoires of citizen action in hybrid settings.Development Policy Review, 41 (Suppl. 1).
Hertel, S. and Buerger, C. (eds). 2022.
Rights at Stake and the Covid-19 Pandemic.Abingdon: Routledge.
Hossain, N. and Hallock, J. 2022.
Food, energy & cost of living protests.New York: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung New York Office.
Hossain, N. and Hallock, J. 2023.
Struggles for Accountability in the 2022 Cost-of-living Crisis: Lessons from the Global Protest Wave.Accountability Brief. Washington DC: American University.
Houlihan, E. 2023.
Women and Constitutional Reform in Response to Social Crisis.Edinburg: Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law.
Hossain, N. 2018.
How the international media framed ‘food riots’ during the global food crises of 2007–12.Food Security, volume 10, issue 3, pp. 677.
Hossain, N. and Scott-Villiers, P. eds. 2017.
Food Riots, Food Rights and Politics of Provisions.Routledge ISBN: 9781138040168.
Hyman, R. and Gumbrell-McCormick, R. 2017.
Resisting labour market insecurity: Old and new actors, rivals or allies?Journal of Industrial Relations, volume 59, issue 4, pp. 538.
ILO 2015.
World Social Protection Report 2014-15. Geneva, United Nations International Labor Organization.
Jorgensen. M.B. 2015.
Precariat – What it Is and Isn’t – Towards an Understanding of What it Does.Critical Sociology. Volume: 42 issue: 7-8, page(s): 959-974
Jung-In Jo and Hyun Jin Cho 2019.
Enigmas of grievances about inequality: Effects of attitudes toward inequality and government redistribution on protest participation.International Area Studies Review, volume 22, issue 4, pp. 348
Justino, P. and Martorano. B. 2019.
Redistributive Preferences and Protests in Latin AmericaJournal of Conflict Resolution, volume 63, issue 9, pp. 2128.
Kim, S. 2016.
Making Policy with Bureaucrats and Experts: The Dilemma of Citizen Members in the Participatory Pension Reforms in Japan. Japanese Journal of Political Science, volume 17, issue 2, pp. 278.
Lettinga,D. and Kaulingfreks, F. 2015.
Clashing Activisms: International Human Rights Organizations and Unruly Politics. Journal of Human Rights Practice, volume 7, issue 3, pp. 343.
Lima, C. and Artiles, M. 2018
Social protests, discontent and politics in southern and eastern EuropeEuropean Review of Labour and Research, volume 24, issue 2, pp. 195.
Mabuku, K. & Olutola, A. 2022.
Preservation of internal security in Namibia: An impossible mandate for the Namibian Police Force.International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478).
McKay, L. 2022.
Embracing the Transformative Potential of Justice for Peace and Development.IUNDP Global Policy Network Brief. New York: United Nations Development Program.
Milačić, F. 2022.
Stateness and Democratic Consolidation.Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Switzerland: Springer.
Modin-Lundin, A. 2022.
Stories about unity and conflicts in a crisis-hit Sri Lanka.Department of Theology, Uppsala University.
Muchhala, B. 2022.
The Structural Power of the State-Finance Nexus: Systemic Delinking for the Right to Development.Development 65:124–135.
Manacorda, M. and Tesei, A. 2020.
Liberation Technology: Mobile Phones and Political Mobilization in Africa.Econometrica, volume 88, issue 2, pp. 533.
Margarit, D. 2016.
Civic disenchantment and political distress: the case of the Romanian Autumn.East European Politics, volume 32, issue 1, pp. 46.
Milačić, F. 2022.
Democracy: Theoretical and Conceptional Challenges. In: Stateness and Democratic Consolidation. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer, Cham.
Miscoiu, S. & Pantea, A. 2022.
Family, Faith and Freedom” for Whom? The Reactions of the Roma Civil Society to the 2020 Re-emergence of the Romanian Far-right.Civil Szemle. 147-165.
Nandong, G. T. 2020.
Media Freedom in Autocracies: Popular Uprising, Elites Wrongdoing and Revolt-ProofingPrinceton University.
Ortiz Inostroza, C., Villalobos, C., Asún, R. and Rivas, C. 2023.
Protestando en la cuna del neoliberalismo. Factores explicativos macrosociales del movimiento estudiantil universitario en la post-dictadura (1990-2019).Revista Internacional de Sociología. 81:1-23.
Ornellas, A. et al. 2017.
Neoliberalism and Austerity in Spain, Portugal and South Africa: The Revolution of Older Persons Journal of Gerontological Social Work, volume 60, issue 6-7, pp. 535.
Ortiz, I., Cummins, M., Capaldo, J. and Karunanethy, K. 2015.
The Decade of Adjustment: A Review of Austerity Trends 2010-2020 in 187 Countries.Geneva and New York: International Labour Organization, Initiative for Policy Dialogue and The South Centre.
Papa, V. and Ioannou, M. 2023.
The 10-year anniversary of intense protest in Greece and the role of Facebook.Journal of Information Technology & Politics. 1-19.
Price, R. 2022.
Links between energy prices, fuel subsidy reform and instability.K4D Helpdesk Report 1096. Institute of Development Studies and UK Aid.
Reinsberg, B., Stubbs, T. and Bujnoch, L. 2023.
Structural adjustment, alienation, and mass protest.Social Science Research, Volume 109, 2023, 102777.
Reinsberg, B. & Stubbs, T. & Bujnoch, L. 2022.
Structural adjustment, alienation, and mass protest Social Science Research.
Routledge, P. et al. 2018.
States of just transition: Realising climate justice through and against the state. Geoforum, Volume 88, Pages 78-86.
Skrypchenko, I., Tkach, O. 2022.
Modern protest movements in the USA as a subject of political science research.The Bulletin of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.
Sandoval, J. 2020.
El repertorio de acción política en el ciclo de movilizaciones estudiantiles chilenas. Revista de Estudios Sociales, issue 72, pp. 86.
Sola-Morales and Sabariego-Gómez. 2020.
Tecnopolítica, recientes movimientos sociales globales e Internet.Una década de protestas ciudadanas Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, volume 17, issue 2, pp. 194.
Spanish Ministry of Education 2020.
Civic Education Textbook (for Spanish 3rd and 4th grades, in Spanish). Santillana Editorial.
Torres Santana, A. and Pérez Martín, A. 2021.
Repertorios Feministas y LGTBIQ+: Acción colectiva y lucha por derechos.Núm. 29 Revista Temas Sociológicos.
UNRISD. 2022.
Crises of Inequality: Shifting Power for a New Eco-Social Contract.UNRISD Flagship Report 2022. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
Uldanov A., Jakubiak Ł., ait El Caid H. 2019.
Protest Publics as the “Triggers” of Political Changes in Hybrid Regimes: The Cases of Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt. Discarding protests? Relating crisis experience to the approval of protests among activists and bystanders.
UNESCO 2016.
World Social Science Report 2016.Paris, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Zaytsev D.G. et al. 2019.
Zaytsev D.G. et al.. In: Belyaeva N., Albert V., Zaytsev D. (eds) Protest Publics. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer.